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The Sustainable Food Policy Alliance Thanks Congressman Curbelo for Introducing the MARKET CHOICE Act

The Sustainable Food Policy Alliance Thanks Congressman Curbelo for Introducing the MARKET CHOICE Act

July 23, 2018


The Honorable Carlos Curbelo
U.S. House of Representatives
1404 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Curbelo:

As member companies of the Sustainable Food Policy Alliance, we write to thank you for your thoughtful and comprehensive effort to introduce H.R. 6463, the MARKET CHOICE Act.

The global food system is under pressure due to drought, flooding and rising temperatures. These increasingly volatile growing conditions threaten the world’s food supply and can contribute to greater food insecurity. As some of the world’s largest food companies, we have the scale to help make a difference and want to work with our supply chains including farmers, ranchers and other producers. As members of the Sustainable Food Policy Alliance, we will continue to advance our commitments to support the global effort to address climate change, but it is clear we need global and domestic policies that drive the systemic changes necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with what the science says is necessary. We will continue to do our part and strive for continuous improvement, and we ask that the U.S. government work with us to advance food and climate security.

The Sustainable Food Policy Alliance looks forward to working closely with you and your colleagues and we encourage Congress to establish a process to pass a set of bipartisan, comprehensive greenhouse gas emission reduction policies. As the process develops, we look forward to seeing how any final proposal will address three main issues: the designated price of carbon, the revenue allocation, and the proposal’s international trade implications. For now, we simply wanted to applaud your leadership in introducing market-based legislation that will drive a robust, non-partisan dialogue on how pricing carbon and strengthening the economy are not mutually exclusive – something we, as businesses, have understood for years.

We look forward to working with you and your colleagues to discuss this proposal and gain the consensus needed to ultimately lessen the impacts of climate change.


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