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SFPA Supports the Release of Voluntary Sodium Reduction Targets by FDA

SFPA Supports the Release of Voluntary Sodium Reduction Targets by FDA

Washington, October 13, 2021 – Today, the Sustainable Food Policy Alliance (SFPA) shared the following statement in response to the Food and Drug Administration’s finalization of short-term voluntary sodium reduction targets:

“The Sustainable Food Policy Alliance (SFPA) welcomes the release of the final voluntary targets on sodium reduction. SFPA member companies including Danone North America, Mars, Incorporated, Nestlé USA, and Unilever United States support the release of the final targets and have long held that food companies can and should do more to reduce sodium in food products. Over the last decade, SFPA member companies have made significant strides, where applicable, to reduce sodium across their product portfolios. We are grateful to the Food and Drug Administration for its leadership on this issue. These targets present another opportunity for the food industry to support healthy eating by continuing to improve the nutrition profile of products. We look forward to working with the entire food industry and key stakeholders to advance sound nutrition through these voluntary targets.”


About the Sustainable Food Policy Alliance

The Sustainable Food Policy Alliance seeks to accelerate the pace of change in the food industry through individual company leadership and collective support for public policies that raise the bar and inspire further action in this critical journey. As some of the world’s best-known food companies, founding members Danone North America, Mars, Incorporated, Nestlé USA, and Unilever United States recognize our responsibility to drive positive change for the people who use our products, the people who supply them, and the planet on which we all rely. To learn more about the Sustainable Food Policy Alliance, visit

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